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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Provided are some helpful and decorative ways to display classroom rules and procedures, for the third grade level.

Here is an example of a rules and behavior bulletin that I liked. Provided by:

Here is a sign I liked that lists class expectations using the word welcome and with owls of course. Provided by:

Here is a poster with five hand gestures that I think are important to have in the classroom, so students remain quiet and work productively. Provided by:

Classroom Themes/Decoration/Classroom Organization

Here are a few themes and ideas for teachers to decorate and organize their classroom. I will include visuals of bulletin board and door decoration themes along with classroom organization ideas. I hope this helps inspire you. Enjoy!!!

Here is a bulletin board and project idea I liked for the end of the school year, which I think is third grade appropriate. Provided by: This project includes writing one paragraph about a memory or memories a student had, throughout the whole school year.

Here is an example of idea outside the classroom door that introduces the students for the new year. Provided by:

Here are some room organization ideas from a third grade classroom that I liked. Provided by:

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Class Newsletter

Here are some visual ideas on how to create a weekly and/or monthly newsletter. Again, just like lesson plans, new and veteran teachers alike need inspiration to design their class newsletter.

Here is an example of a weekly newsletter with owl images because I love owls! This image is provided by:

Here is an example of a monthly newsletter. 
I like to make the monthly one more holiday oriented. 

Lesson Plans

Here is a visual of how to write lesson plans to teach by. Sometimes visuals help inspire and get ideas, if you seem to be "stuck in a rut." 

Also, I will post another picture below this empty lesson plan of one this teacher has filled out, for her own third grade class lessons.